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“Whāngaia kia tupu kia puawai”

That which is nurtured blossoms and grows


This whakataukī encapsulates the journey of our core design team which has seen our māmā blossom in the village environment, finding their voice and growing their belief in themselves. 

The blossoming and growth of our pēpi in the womb of our māmā is the greatest gift that exists to ensure continuous whakapapa.


Traditionally, both wahine, tāne and kaumātua played roles of nurturers. Therefore, we understand that hapūtanga was shared by the village.


Healthy Families Whanganui, Rangitīkei, Ruapehu aim to promote the health and wellbeing of all individuals and whānau across Aotearoa, including Hapū Māmā and their whānau within our rohe. We are dedicated in acknowledging and addressing the unique needs and perspectives of Hapū Māmā to foster a holistic approach to maternal care.

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The “Hapū Māmā Village Insights and Recommendations” report offers a comprehensive analysis of shared lived experiences of Hapū Māmā while accessing maternity healthcare  during pregnancy from conception to the first 2000 days, exploring ideas and aspirations to improve service, meaningful engagement and better health outcomes. It also highlights the challenges and barriers faced during their maternity journey, shedding light on the cultural, social, and systemic factors that influence their well-being.

Key findings in the report revolve around the need for culturally sensitive and inclusive healthcare services, recognising the importance of traditional practices and support systems within the Hapū Māmā village. It emphasises the significance of community involvement and empowerment to address the unique health disparities faced by Hapū Māmā.

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Get in touch

  • Healthy Families Whanganui, Rangitikei, Ruapehu
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